While writing BWB I discovered how much I benefited from the process. So I’ve continued to frequently write. Most the time it is just for me but occasionally for Linda and other friends. Writing helps me think. It helps me recognize when I’m wrong. It helps me understand what I believe.
Revisiting things I’ve written yesterday or even several years back has taught me how easily I deceive myself. It’s frightening how you can have a huge blind spot. Was it something I believed at the time? Did I write what I really wanted to believe or maybe what I wanted others to believe about me? What was I smoking? The Bible says that all of our hearts are deceitful and mine certainly has proven that to me. I think this is very important for me to remember.
I’m confident I got at least 2 things right in Best When Broken. I said that if I had the opportunity to go back and never have broken my neck… I wouldn’t. I got this right. If it meant never experiencing the blessings and having the people that are in my life as a direct result of that day? Nope. Never. Even the thought of that frightens me.
I’m almost 100% dependent other people. I need help with the most trivial and I need help with the most personal. Having dependable people in my life is a gift from our always dependable God. I hate asking for help but I’ve rarely had to ask. Almost all of the people from 41 years ago are still on speed dial. In addition to the originals, we continue to have new friends that always seem to show up at the perfect time. When someone helps me with things that are humiliating… Yet they do it gracefully and act as if they consider it a privilege… It’s overwhelming. I love these people. The friendship becomes something precious. Humiliation can be sweet. They give me a glimpse of the power of God’s grace and help me understand more about the selfless and sacrificial love of Christ… And for almost 35 years there has been one above all others……..what if I had missed Linda?
Secondly I believe the title today more than I did when I wrote the book. If anything it wasn’t strong enough. Maybe “Best When Crushed” would be more accurate. Whether it’s on the bottom of the lake or in a coma, septic with double pneumonia, we all reach a point where the most dependable people in our lives just can’t help us. Your parents, your closest friend or even a loving spouse…. They just can’t help.
Thanks to mom and dad I memorized Ephesians 3:20 when I was a boy. I thought I believed it… Now I see and experience it on a regular basis.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

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